The Weekend That Was

 Last weekend has been quite busy but we still managed to insert a bit of fun in it. My hubby had back-to-back wedding photo engagements which leaves me to do the babysitting the whole week. That left us both tired, me from the housework and babysitting and my hubby from the whole-day photo shoots.

Friday night food

FRIDAY. Hubby was off to his first wedding engagement. Isla and I stayed at home and did the usual stuff. Since hubby won't be eating at home, I didn't prepare any meal and decided to just reprise the left-over rice. I also added the left-over hotdogs in my own version of the fried rice. In that way, I don't have to cook for anything to pair with the rice. It was definitely a perfect dinner whilst watching the second episode of Being Liverpool on Channel 5. Yes, we are Liverpool fans. Well, it was my hubby originally and he brought me into it (I support whatever team he supports). That also hooked me into this country's football mania. Too bad hubby can't watch it but there are still reruns on the following days so he can still catch up. Here is a short recipe of my simple fried rice.


left-over rice
1 egg, beaten
hotdogs or bacon, sliced
green peas
toasted garlic
garlic salt
spring onions (for garnishing)

Heat cooking oil and pour in the beaten egg. Try to divide the cooked egg into small pieces then add rice and mix well. Add salt or in my case I used garlic salt (you can also use Ginisa flavor mix) and cook for a few more minutes until the rice absorbs the flavor. Add the sliced hotdogs and let them cook in the rice mixture. After about 3 minutes, add the green peas and garlic and continue to mix well. Turn off heat and transfer fried rice in a serving plate. Garnish with spring onions. Enjoy!

You can make your own toasted garlic. Filipino stores sell them. The ones I used were given by my friend which she got from the Philippines. If you don't have this, you can get Mc Cormick's minced garlic. It looks half-cooked but it'll do for the toasted garlic as you're going to cook them anyway.

A piece of heaven :)
SATURDAY. My husband is off again for the second wedding. The weather was quite nice today, sunny yet cold but still worth for a trip to town. Saturday is the town's market day (as well as Thursday) so it was packed (aside from the soft opening of Pret in town). Isla and I also went out today because I had to buy a few of her weekly supplies and also a hair dryer for me as mine already stopped working the other day (after serving me since 2008; I actually got it from the Philippines and it has served me well so I guess it was time to retire). After buying all our stuff, I wondered where to grab my late lunch. I've been missing Gregg's bread pizza so we went there. I used to eat this for lunch at work. It was a bit late so they ran out of pizzas and so I settled for a chicken bake. Isla was starting to cry so I randomly grabbed something else for dessert which is a cookie. I ended up eating lunch at home because Isla has been crying and looks eager to go home. Oh well. When I tried the cookie (for the first time), oh my, it was the best chocolate cookie I ate. It was so addicting, definitely brought me to food heaven. I'm glad there was more than one in the packet. I wonder why I never discovered this before. I usually eat Subway's cookies when I go out for lunch. So now I have an addition to my sweet tooth cravings.

Movie weekends is back

SUNDAY. Finally, a rest day for hubby as he looks really knackered for this month's back-to-back weddings. Of course it doesn't end there as he has to deal with the photo editing and album next. We went to town again in the afternoon to buy some stuff which I wasn't able to buy yesterday because Isla already started to cry and our cart (aka Isla's buggy) was full. Disappointingly, others on my list are no longer available. Lesson learned: buy them whenever you can because they won't be there next time. The promos on the baby wipes is no longer running. The small Chinese take-away colored boxes which I've been eyeing were nowhere to be found. To top it all off, I am due to get some groceries from the Filipino store but it was closed. We ended up going to Blockbuster again to rent some movies. We were originally planning to eat out but decided to have some McDonald's for take-away and eat it at home whilst starting with the movies. That is to save time as we now have a baby. Anyway, the deal is 4 movies for 3 nights so we need to watch 2 movies for Sunday.

It has been quite a busy weekend but it all ended with some family movie bonding over junk/fast food. Cheers for a fulfilled week!


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